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Swipe the proven system to set up, systemize & scale your mastermind or group coaching offer (without getting stuck or giving yourself a job)

Let’s face it… you want(ed) to start a mastermind or launch a group coaching offer because you love the idea of cash money coming in on repeat

A one-to-many offer is sooooooo damn sexy and scalable and it helps you stack those MRR payments so you get REAL time freedom in your business

Or do you!?

After running masterminds for more than 8 years and scaling multiple groups through millions I’ve seen things go wrong again and again - both for my students AND for me

The big problems I see:

BIG PROBLEM #1: You sell out your offer and then think FUK what am I going to do with all of these people now.

There’s no slick system to move your student from sign up to star client - and that, my friend, is gonna harm your client experience, increase your refund request rate, and dramatically decrease your LTV.

BIG PROBLEM #2: You love working with your clients but then all of a sudden one fan girl decides to flip mode on you and your entire group culture breaks down

You didn’t think ahead to put the processes in place to frame your mastermind in a way that sets your students and you up for success and now you’re left worrying if everybody is gossiping behind your back, and how you can regain control of the mean girls in your group.

BIG PROBLEM #3: Your students are getting amazing results but you’re exhausted and have no time left over to actually work on your own goals

Your boundaries are non existent and as a result you’ve trained your clients that when you give an inch they can take a mile. It’s super hard to pull it back from this point of almost no return and you can’t see how you can get off long-af coaching calls and out of the loop of answering client questions in your groups all hours of the day.

But it’s okay!!

Believe me…

I’ve been there, I’ve done it, and I’ve got the receipts from my therapist to prove it 🤪

That’s why I decided to pull together my proven system for success so you can swipe it and use it for yourself.

You’ll be able to Eliminate ALL of these mistakes BEFORE they happen so you can build a bulletproof mastermind offer you’re proud to shout about!

I looked at selling this for hundreds of thousands of dollars to a buyer who wanted to swipe my full system and install it into their business.

THATS how well this works.

And whilst that was attractive, it also wasn’t in alignment with the phase of growth I was at, my priorities, and who I’m here to be in the world.

I’m a teacher after all…

And teachers gonna teach!

I’m committed to training more excellent entrepreneurs and coaches so you can go on to create results for yourselves and your own clients too.

The more I test and learn what works and doesn’t work, the more I can teach the steps to you so you save years of time and thousands of dollars trying to figure it out alone.

So I decided to share my success systems with you so you can build your own million dollar mastermind like I did...

Or at least build the kind of mastermind where you don’t feel like you’ve backed yourself into a corner, or given yourself a nice big headache in the process.

Meaning you’ll save a tonne of cash on the emotional support wine you no longer need as a result.

Ya hear me!?

Okay so here’s the scoop…

I’m launching the first round of this program in the fall.

Right now this is top secret.

And you’re only seeing this page because you reached out personally to me.


When I go live with the program it’s going to sell for $1997

But right now you need my help.

AND… I need your help.

I’ve tried and tested this system over almost a decade with hundreds of students - and I know it works.

But I’ve never taught it end to end in the way I’m doing in this course.

So, if you’re open to it… I’d love you to test the course

Ask your most burning questions so I can answer them for you personally

(And maybe I’ll add a new video or resource into the course because of that too)

And help me make this as epic as possible for when we launch later in the year

To say thank you I’m gifting you with a massive 91% savings right now.

Which means instead of paying $1997 to get this course

You’re getting access for just $197

Are you in!?

I’m only taking a small group of beta testers through the program because I want to be able to answer your questions personally.

I’ll even throw in a bonus LIVE group mentoring call (value $997) so we can do that.

That means you’re getting $2994 worth of value for just $197 today.

I’m REALLY excited to share this with you.

And I know it’s going to change the game for you, your students, and your business too.

Click the button to join now.

You’ll get instant access to start working through the materials right away so you can start implementing and getting results right away too.

Your Instructor

Niyc Pidgeon
Niyc Pidgeon

3 x Hay House Author & Speaker, Positive Psychologist, Triple Certified High Performance Coach, Business Mentor, Founder of Unstoppable SuccessTM & Positive Psychology Coach AcademyTM Certification.

Niyc is obsessed with empowering you to transcend your perceived limitations and create more joy, personal power, and Unstoppable Success within yourself, your life, & your business. She is helping million of humans change their lives through entrepreneurship and positive psychology, and is fascinated by the exploration of what it is that commonly stops people - and what it really takes to become Unstoppable.

She is a sales superstar, and has sold millions of dollars worth of programs and products from the stage, online, and on the phone. Now she teaches you how you can do that too - and make Unstoppable Success your new normal.

Niyc is a Brit based in Los Angeles, and proudly travels the world to speak on big stages and run her own live events, won Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2015, Psychology Book Of The Year 2017, and Most Outstanding Positive Psychologist 2018, and is an active philanthropic partner with Virgin Unite.

Niyc has been featured in numerous mainstream media, named as a “Legendary Entrepreneur” in Forbes, and her award winning and best selling book Now Is Your Chance, is a 30-Day Guide To Living Your Happiest Life Using Positive Psychology, is published with the world’s largest mind body and spirit publisher Hay House. She is now working on her second and third titles with Hay House too.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
You get instant access right now when you sign up. You can work through the curriculum in your own time and reach out with any questions within your members area. I recommend working through the modules using the excited momentum you feel right now and setting yourself a time in your calendar each day / week to keep moving forward. The entrepreneurs who get the best results are the ones who implement the quickest.
How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access for the lifetime of the course. As long as it's still live on our website, you'll have access :) - across any and all devices you own.

Get started now!